Divorce is an all-too-common occurrence in today's America.
In reality, over half of all marriages in the United States lead to divorce.
This startling and troubling statistic is bombarding psychiatrists and other
mental health specialists.
When a couple encounters a snag in their marriage, and even
the happiest married pair will have snags all along the way, they will
frequently seek family
counseling in Los Feliz from a psychiatrist or wedding
therapist, followed by a trial separation. They will get divorced if things do
not work out quickly.
Psychologists frequently wonder why people who were so in
love at the start of their marriages are so out of touch towards the end. What
went wrong? Did they become estranged? The divorce is frequently caused by a
lack of agreement between husband and wife on priorities and, more often than
not, poor sexual drive (which at the end of the marriage is really more a
symptom of the failed relationship than a medical problem).
Consulting with a wedding therapist or household therapist /
psychologist is a crucial first step if the marriage is to be saved. A marriage therapist
in Los Feliz can assist in identifying and breaking the cycle of
anger and resentment, as well as recommending ways to re-establish
communication and trust.
Having said that, the key thing to remember is that love is
a decision. We get to choose who we love and who we don't. We may make
decisions unconsciously and for the opposite reason, yet we are in charge of
the decision. Consider therapy at www.latherapy.info if you're thinking of getting a